This is a really common question I get asked all the time… should I eat soy?
In a word – YES!
Soy contains phytoestrogens
Phytoestrogens get their name because they exert a weak estrogen-like effect, BUT they are not estrogen. Phytoestrogens bind so weakly to estrogen receptors and can have a mild balancing effect.
They will increase the effect when estrogen levels are low, so very beneficial after menopause – and they have a lowering effect if estrogen is too high, which can also be beneficial for symptoms of estrogen excess during perimenopause.
Phytoestrogens occur in plant foods such as nuts, seeds, wholegrains and legumes. In moderate amounts they are healthy. In a large amount, they can make periods lighter and sometimes suppress ovulation.
The best known phytoestrogens are lignans from flaxseeds and isoflavones from soy.
During perimenopause
Phytoestrogens have an anti estrogenic because they block estradiol – a potentially harmful form of estrogen associated with hormonal cancers.
Phytoestrogens can also help prevent PMS, lighten periods and has been associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.
Post menopause
Estrogen levels are naturally decreased and phytoestrogens can be slightly pro-estrogenic because there is less estradiol to block. This can help:
Improve occurrence of hot flashes.
Decrease fat and increases lean tissue.
Decrease the risk of breast and endometrial cancer.
Help improve insulin sensitivity.
Phytoestrogenic Foods
Soy – Always choose organic, non GMO
Try soy milk, tofu, tempeh, edamame or green soybeans and roasted soy nuts.
The soy to avoid would be the processed soy that is often used as a filler in packaged and processed foods.
Flax or Linseed
The benefits of incorporating freshly ground flaxseed (or linseeds) into your diet include:
- Full of lignans which are anti-cancer
- Phytoestrogenic
- Naturally contain fibre, omega 3 and antioxidants
- Heart protective.
TIP: Grind before use to maximise the good fats!
Aim for ¼ cup most days.